Allie Kelly of The Ray to Speak at AIA NY's Viral Voices VI- Virtual Displacement

Allie Kelly, executive director of The Ray will be one of the panelists for AIA New York Chapter's "Viral Voices VI - Virtual Displacement" on Thursday, March 30th at the AIA Center for Architecture.
As the digital revolution continues to affect our everyday lives, counterintuitively, many new processes born in the digital realm are now finding the need to become physical and geofixed. Once ephemeral, only existing online, new media companies have begun to invest in the design and production of physical retail environments, vehicles, kiosks, and other public interfaces, adding new variables to the built environment and forcing an evolution in long-standing conceptions of urban placemaking. What had once been described as the accelerating process by which “all that was solid will melt into air” may also set into motion countervailing effects by which what “was air now turns back into solid” – as digital practices and firms that once existed bring their data, media, and products back into the physical world.
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