Are You Still In? The President May Not Be On Board, But These 2,000 U.S. Organizations' Leaders Still Are!

G&A's SustainabilityHighlights (28.6.2017)
Jul 6, 2017 11:00 AM ET

Originally posted on G&A's Sustainability Highlights newsletter

As the President of the United States began the laborious process of reneging on the historic global agreement to address the challenges of climate change reached in Paris at the COP 21 meetings in 2015, the reaction inside the country by thought leaders and important economic players was swift and decisive:  The "We Are Still In" movement was launched by private parties and state and municipal-level government officials. 

And by a widening range of institutional investors (asset owners and managers), major corporate leaders (especially the well-known, large-cap corporate brand marketers), respected academic centers, trade & professional associations, family foundations, entrepreneurial businesses, professional practices, information providers...and more.

In just days, more than 1500 companies, 197 majors of cities, 308 universities, nine governors, sent the message loud & clear:  We Are Still In the Paris Agreement!  This new, important social movement is a voluntary, grassroots approach that includes a wide range of stakeholders, many with familiar names, proclaiming:

Despite the Trump Administration reneging on an important commitment -- governmental (public policy) and moral (especially in terms of leadership on the most important societal issue of our time) -- the players in the new movements will continue moving ahead to address climate change challenges. We are still in the game and keeping the word of the United States of America, say the signatories.

This is just the introduction of G&A's Sustainability Highlights newsletter this week. Click here to view the full issue.