Connect to Good: A Roadmap to 2025

By Charlene Lake
Nov 18, 2015 9:35 AM ET
Campaign: AT&T: Planet

Connect to Good: A Roadmap to 2025

Our world will hold roughly 8 billion people by 2025. Even more astounding: some experts say there will be more than 1 trillion connected devices — measuring, analyzing and networking to give us more information than ever before. The possibilities will be endless, so we must be strategic in order to seize them.

Public goals have long guided our work. But, Connect to Good represents our first long-term roadmap, unified and focused under one vision for the next decade.

As the pace of innovation continues to accelerate, we know a 10-year plan will require flexibility. After all, just a decade ago, there was no smart phone, no app, no mobile economy.

Our top-line goals are broken into two timeframes — 2020 and 2025 — to provide a midway check-in, with supporting targets to show our work along the way. Those targets may evolve as our company itself evolves. Just this year, we’ve undergone tremendous change, expanding into Mexico and welcoming DIRECTV to the AT&T family. We intend for our goals platform to accommodate these and other evolutions.

We also know that we can’t do this alone.

A theme of collaboration is woven throughout our goals and targets. We’ve set our goals with this question in mind: how can we work with our customers, our employees, our suppliers and our communities to enhance the world we all share?

We look forward to working with everyone. While the challenges are daunting, they’re also exciting. Visit and download this PDF to learn more about our goals and targets.