Ecocentricity Blog: Front Seven - Redesigning Commerce

Jul 11, 2017 10:30 AM ET
Campaign: Ecocentricity Blog

Ecocentricity Blog: Front Seven - Redesigning Commerce

We started with Zero Waste. Next came Benign Emissions, followed by Renewable Energy and Closed-Loop Manufacturing. Then we all learned about velomobiles on the Resource Efficient Transportation front before turning to Sensitizing Stakeholders. That brings us to the final front of Mount Sustainability – Redesigning Commerce.

This is probably the steepest of the seven fronts. Our commercial system is extremely complex and comprised of a nearly uncountable number of entities and individuals. No one person or company designed the system in the first place, and so no one person or company can redesign it. Rather, we can all collectively do our part to usher in the next evolution of commerce – one that contributes to, rather than detracts from, human and environmental wellbeing.

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