MIT’s "Future of Solar" Study Says It’s Ready for Prime Time Now

by RP Siegel
May 15, 2015 5:00 PM ET
Campaign: CSR Blogs

A multi-disciplinary team from the MIT Energy Initiative project produced the “Future of Solar Energy” report as part of a series of studies. The report found that while solar accounts for less than 1% of the American electricity supply today, its contribution in the future is capable of growing to what they call “multi-terawatt scale.” Considering that the global generation capacity today is a little over five terawatts—that is significant. Considering the inherently clean, low-carbon nature of solar power, it clearly is potentially “an essential component of a workable strategy to mitigate climate change risk.” The study addresses a wide array of solar options including solar thermal concentrating  (CSP) plants, which, given their cost and complexity are best suited to utility-scale multi-MW installations, to photovoltaic (PV) systems, which can range from a 10kW residential rooftop system, to a utility scale installation covering many acres. While CSP has thermal storage inherently built in, PV systems have none, requiring batteries, or grid-backup or some other storage means to sustain power in the absence of sunshine.

After a detailed assessment, the 356-page study concludes that there are few obstacles standing in the way. The raw materials and commodities, such as copper, aluminum and glass are plentiful enough to meet the projected peak demand in 2050 of 25 TW. Solar power could, says the report, become a major market driver for these commodities.

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