Operation of Photovoltaic Facility Commences

Sep 6, 2016 9:00 AM ET

The company's own photovoltaic facility on the roof of a new logistics hall at the Mercedes-Benz Global Logistics Center in Germersheim is being connected to the grid. The new facility will reduce annual CO2  emissions by 755,000 kilograms.

Over an area of 15,000 square meters, 5,060 solar modules will produce more than 1.3 million kilowatt hours of electricity every year. For the purpose of comparison, this is enough energy to charge the battery of a Mercedes-Benz B 250 e about 49,000 times a year. The company is using almost all of the electricity generated itself.

The Global Logistics Center in Germersheim already commissioned a new combined heat and power plant last year. This efficient method of energy production is already reducing CO2 emissions by around 2.8 million kilograms a year. This covers a significant portion of the heating and electricity requirements in Germersheim.

The amount of energy consumed per square meter of warehouse space has been reduced by more than half over the last 25 years using efficient facilities and systems.

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