Prices Increase Tomorrow! Register Now and Save up to 30% on 2015 Corporate Citizenship Conference

Prices will increase tomorrow on registration for Connect the Dots: How Businesses Solve Global Challenges Locally. Sign up today to attend the annual corporate citizenship conference on October 5-7!
Jul 15, 2015 12:15 PM ET

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation 2015 Corporate Citizenship conference theme is Connect the Dots: How Businesses Solve Global Challenges Locally. This year’s conference will focus on how businesses build engagements that align local impact to global strategy and will showcase successful business examples.

Featured Speakers:

  • Julia Dixon, Research Director, Communications Council, National Journal
  • Tracie Haas, Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, Brand and Communications, Abbvie, President, Abbvie Foundation
  • Elliott Kotek, Co-Founder and Content Chief, Not Impossible
  • Stephanie Potter, Vice President, Business Development and Projects, Rabobank North America Wholesale
  • Rob Vallentine, Director, Corporate Citizenship, The Dow Chemical Company, President and Executive Director, The Dow Chemical Company Foundation

Discussions at the conference will focus on a number of critical questions:

  • Should community solutions be global in scope or tailored to local needs? Is it cost-efficient to do both?
  • How can inter- and intra-sector partnerships be effective and meaningful?
  • How much focus should be given to impact measurement when it takes resources away from community investment? What is the right balance when resources are limited?
  • How do we address the root of social problems and not simply address the symptoms?

The business community is a leading force in addressing the world’s challenges both in their backyards and across the globe. But no single business can do it alone. Join us as we connect the dots.

Stay up-to-date on new additions to the agenda here, with new speakers and sessions added daily.

Access early bird deals for up to 30% off registration. Prices will increase tomorrow - sign up today!

October 5 - 7, 2015
Washington, D.C.