Registration Now Open for the BSR Conference 2017: How Business Leads

By Pamela Schwartz, Conference Director, BSR
BSR’s 25th annual Conference—taking place October 24-26 in Huntington Beach, California—is happening during a critical time in the field of sustainability, with disruptive change affecting every dimension of business.
Our 2017 theme of “How Business Leads” will set the stage for three days of vital conversation, collaboration, and action. We are excited to gather our community together to explore how business can take the lead during this crucial moment.
I’m pleased to announce that registration is now open, and our best rates are available through June 30.
As we finalize the Conference agenda over the next several months, we will look to our theme to explore business leadership in its many forms. We will present topical examples of business leading on climate change, human rights, inclusive economy, supply chain sustainability, sustainability management, and women’s empowerment. Our 30 breakout sessions will dive deep into today’s most important issues, from achieving the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals to using climate resilience to build strong and inclusive supply chains. In recognition of our anniversary, our “Fast Forward 25” sessions will look at the future of sustainable business, with vibrant conversations on topics such as generating quality livelihoods in the era of automation and the ethics of artificial intelligence.
Our trailblazing plenary sessions are the most talked-about parts of the Conference, and the conversations this year promise to be more thought-provoking and motivating than ever. We are thrilled to share a quick preview of our plenary lineup to date: Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund, will highlight her work leading a movement to build a healthier and safer world for women and teens. And President Jaquelline Fuller, Mercy Corps CEO Neal Keny-Guyer, and TripAdvisor CEO Stephen Kaufer will engage in a candid discussion about the business response to the refugee crisis.
From our unrivaled content to our integrated networking events, #BSR17 will be the place to be this October. And did we mention our new location? On the beach? You can’t beat fresh air, conference rooms with natural sunlight, and immersive experiences taking advantage of the incredible Huntington Beach. We hope you will join us and our global community to take business leadership to the next level. We can’t wait to see you this October!
Register for BSR17 by June 30 to receive the best rates. Check the BSR Conference website often for more exciting announcements, including additional plenary speakers.
This blog originally appeared on BSR.