Tweet Your Way to a Better World

Blog by Julie Urlaub, Founder and Managing Partner at Taiga Company
Aug 26, 2011 12:37 PM ET

Taiga Company blog by Julie Urlaub, Founder and Managing Partner at Taiga Compa…

It's been questioned if social media change the world?  Can it make our world a better world?  How is it advancing the sustainability conversation?  The podcast, Social Media and Sustainability Changing the World Together, addresses that question but how can social media save the world?     Considering that for the first time in the history of humanitarian aid, the internet and social media provides individual donors and worthy organizations the ability to connect meaningfully on opposite sides of the world, I'd have to say, yes.  Social media can help save the world.   In my professional consulting, I've used social media to expand eco awareness and introduce sustainability concepts to others.  Social media is effective because it addresses two of the biggest hurdles of social change: reaching the people who can actually make a difference, and providing the means and channels for them to do so.     Social media, viewed as a small business resource can be leveraged to build sustainable business communications by engaging with stakeholders.  As explained in our professional consulting, social media and blogging give a small business a global reach.   Besides the marketing you can do in your local community, blogging and social media allow a small business to have a global following allowing individuals, communities, businesses, and non-government organizations the ability to connect with business in meaningful discussion from anywhere in the world in real time.   Who are the key players tweeting to a better world?  Click here to find out!   

Home to one third of the earth's trees, the Taiga is the largest land-based biosphere and encircles the globe. Its immense oxygen production literally changes the atmosphere and refreshes the planet. It is this continuous renewal that has shaped Taiga Company's vision to drive similar change in the business world. Taiga Company seeks to be the "oxygen for your business".