April Showers Bring May Flowers: Your Guide to a “Green” Green Thumb

May 2, 2013 11:00 AM ET

JustGreen Blogs

It’s official: Spring has sprung! Bring on the warmer weather, shorts, tee shirts, and the sweet sounds of kids playing in the yard.

Now is the time to start thinking about which flowers and plants you’ll be growing and nurturing for the coming months. This year, nurture more than just your garden – help out our planet, too!

Below, find some of our eco-friendly, green gardening tips to help cut down on the global warming issues and contribute to a reduction of carbon emissions.

Vegetable and Herb Gardening:

Growing your own veggies, herbs, and produce is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and offset carbon emissions of traditional grocery shopping.

An herb or veggie garden can be as small as a few plants on an apartment windowsill, or it can take up an entire backyard! Dedicate some time to research online and/or ask your local nursery about which plants will grow best in your climate/region. During your research, be sure to inquire about sustainable soil, plant food and pest control options.

Gardening the Green Way:

Keep your garden as green as possible this spring! First and foremost, conserve water by setting your sprinkler system to use the minimum amount of water possible. Choosing drought tolerant, low maintenance plants (especially if you live in a warm or dry climate) is one way to ensure that you’ll be conserving as much water as possible.

Be sure to check your hose for any leaks, and repair leaks/leaky faucets as soon as possible. Never leave a hose running unnecessarily! Installing an adjustable nozzle on your hose will help conserve water, too.

When it comes to pest control, consider implementing an integrated pest management system in your garden. This type of pest control is more carbon neutral than traditional methods.

Do you have any tips for “greener” gardening? We’d love to hear them! Share with us in the comments, below!

A carbon neutral lifestyle can be a challenge — but one that you don’t have to tackle alone. We’re here to help! Reduce your carbon footprint with help from JustGreen Lifestyle’s Carbon Offsetting program and products.