Clean Green – Eco-Friendly Spring Cleaning

Apr 25, 2013 2:30 PM ET

Is there anything quite as cathartic as spring cleaning? There’s something about tossing out all that old junk, giving the house a thorough scrubbing, and generally de-cluttering that lifts the weight of winter off our shoulders.

Unfortunately, many of the products and practices commonly associated with spring cleaning – such as ammonia-based cleaners that can end up in water supplies – aren’t exactly the most “green.”

Earth Day may have come and gone, but here at JustGreen Lifestyle, we’re committed to making Earth Day every day! Cleaning house can be a green affair, too. Below, find our top tips for reducing your carbon footprint and offsetting carbon emissions while cleaning your home.

Recycle Whenever Possible: If you’ll be digging through closets, garages and the basement in an effort to clean house this spring, don’t simply throw away old toys, clothes and furnishings. The old saying rings true: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure! Consider donating, re-purposing or re-using these items instead of tossing them in the garbage. When the weather warms up, a garage sale may be in order! Stay tuned for future posts, where we’ll outline the most eco-friendly way to host such a sale.

Avoid the Worst of the Worst: Certain cleaning supplies are more harmful to the environment (including water supplies) and produce more carbon emissions than others. The ones to avoid, in particular, include: drain cleaners, oven cleaners, toilet cleaners, spot removers, silver/metal polishes, window cleaners, and bleach.

Go Au Naturale: You may be surprised to know that a variety of basic cleaning supplies can be made at home using ingredients you’ve likely got lying around the house. Vinegar, salt, lemon juice and baking soda combine to make easy, eco-friendly cleaning supplies for glass/mirrors, vinyl, and even for polishing furniture.

Opt for Green Cleaning Products: “Green cleaning” is all the rage these days, resulting in the emergence of a number of brands specializing in eco-friendly cleaning solutions/products. Our best advice is to do some thorough research online and browse through customer reviews to determine which brand or specific products work most effectively.

Reduce Paper Towel Waste:  Instead of reaching for the paper towels, cut old tee shirts, towels or clothes into strips or manageable sizes to re-use as cleaning cloths. This practice is a great way to reduce carbon emissions, and helps to stop global warming and to reduce pollution.

Have any clean, green tips to share? Let us know in the comments, below!

Committed to a carbon neutral lifestyle? We’re here to help! Reduce your carbon footprint with help from JustGreen Lifestyle’s Carbon Offsetting program and products.
