Funding the Global Warming Ceiling: An Urgent Call for Sustainable Finance

Keeping the global 21st-century temperature rise under 2 degrees Celsius will require massive sustainable investments from the public and private sectors
Jul 2, 2012 2:35 PM ET
Campaign: CSR Blogs

Posted by Reynard Loki

A new report released by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) argues that a massive scale-up of low-carbon technologies are required to meet the 2°C temperature increase threshhold set by the United Nations to avoid the worst effects of anthropogenic climate change.

The independent international scientific research organization headquartered in Stockholm says that to achieve that goal, significant sustainable investments must be made by both the public and private sectors within a shared development agenda (SDA).

"Finance and investment must be urgently mobilized, directed and governed," argue the report's authors. "Public funding should be set up so that it can be matched with private sector capital, and international funds to be matched by national."[1]


The multi-tiered report, Energy for a Shared Development Agenda, features energy scenarios through the year 2050, case studies of current energy access and various efforts to move to low-carbon systems as well as a review of the technological changes, sustainable investments and governmental policies that are required to answer the call put forth by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon's initiative "Sustainable Energy for All" (SE4ALL).

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