MGM Resorts Employees Support Community Programs

Nov 5, 2012 4:00 PM ET
Campaign: CSR Blogs

By Vikas Vij

More than 350 employees from MGM Resorts International pledged 2,000 hours of volunteer work for "Make a Difference Day" last month. The effort helped nonprofit organizations serve the communities in which the company operates. Community improvement activities included planting trees, cleaning graffiti, and feeding the homeless.

The volunteer program of MGM Resorts involves 24 different volunteer activities. Some of the local nonprofit organizations with whom the company has partnered for these programs include Blind Center of Nevada, the Clark County Graffiti Abatement Program, Habitat for Humanity, the National Park Service, Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada, Three Square Food Bank, and Springs Preserve.

Employees of MGM Resorts regularly volunteer at community events throughout the year, throughout the country. In 2012, employees have already helped more than 820 nonprofit organizations meet their community needs and logged more than 73,000 volunteer hours.

The volunteer efforts of MGM Resorts employees contribute significantly to improve the reputation of Nevada in the area of volunteerism. Nevada ranks near the lowest at 50 out of 51 states and D.C. for its citizen volunteer rate, as per the results of a study conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service. MGM Resorts International believes that the collective efforts of its employees will help improve this ranking.

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Vikas is a staff writer for the Sustainable Development news and editorial section on Justmeans. He is an MBA with 20 years of managerial and entrepreneurial experience and global travel. He is the author of "The Power of Money" (Scholars, 2003), a book that presents a revolutionary monetary economic theory on poverty alleviation in the developing world. Vikas is also the official writer for an international social project for developing nations "Decisions for Life" run in collaboration between the ILO, the University of Amsterdam and the Indian Institute of Management.