Getting to Impact

If you're not measuring the impact of your corporate giving you're missing an opportunity to demonstrate the difference you're making with your CSR program. If tracking your impact sounds like one more thing to add to your very long to-do list, think again. It's much easier than it might sound and can pay huge dividends when it comes to engaging with stakeholders. Periodically Versaic will share tips and stories about how companies are measuring their impact and taking their CSR programs to the next level.

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Content from this campaign

Innovation & Technology

Q&A with Devin Thorpe, Founder of Your Mark on the World Center
Devin Thorpe was a finance guy until he realized life wasn’t all about the money. As a new-media journalist and founder of the Your Mark on the World Center, Devin has established himself as a champion of social good.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Q&A with Carmen Perez, Director, Data Insights, CECP
As CECP's Data Insights Director, Carmen leads the high-performing team that achieves CECP's mission by equipping companies to make data-driven decision in their societal investment strategies. This includes the publicly available pieces Giving in Numbers and Giving Around the Globe as well as custom and exclusive insights and benchmarking products for companies in CECP's coalition. Known for strong facilitation skills, Carmen presents publicly on CECP trends on a variety of topics, with a passion for benchmarking and evaluation of results. She has been quoted in Wall Street Journal and other major media outlets.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Building CSR into the Culture of Your Company Pays Dividends
Seventy nine percent of today's graduates consider a company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) commitments when deciding where to work, according to a recent Cone Communications study.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Versaic Grocery Clients Making a Difference- September 2016
As autumn rolls around we put the spotlight on grocery clients who are giving back to the communities they serve. We have picked some of the highlights from their various giving programs to share with you- we hope their good work will inspire you in your quest for making an impact in your community!

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Versaic Q&A with Mark Shamley, CEO, ACCP
Mark Shamley was named ACCP’s president & CEO in August 2007 and has more than 19 years’ experience in corporate & public affairs, corporate social responsibility, business development and marketing.

Innovation & Technology

CSR Through an Entrepreneurial Lens: Q&A with Andrew Yang, Founder & CEO, Venture for America
Andrew Yang is the Founder and CEO of Venture for America, a nonprofit program that places our best and brightest at startups in emerging cities, helping build businesses, create jobs, and make an impact. He has worked in startups and early-stage growth companies as a founder or executive for more than twelve years. He was the CEO and President of Manhattan GMAT, a test prep company that was acquired by the Washington Post/Kaplan in 2009. He has also served as the co-founder of an Internet company and an executive at a health care software startup.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Q&A with Alice Korngold, Author, A Better World, Inc.: How Companies Profit by Solving Global Problems...Where Governments Cannot
Alice Korngold, President & CEO, Korngold Consulting LLC, provides strategy advisory services and facilitates leadership strategy retreats for board members and executives from multinational corporations and NGOs.


Q&A with Jennifer Brunelle, Head of positiveNRG, NRG Energy’s Philanthropy Program
Jennifer Brunelle leads the philanthropy program for Princeton, NJ-based NRG Energy, the leading integrated power company in the U.S.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Beliefs That Limit Corporate Funding
What keeps nonprofits from approaching corporate funders for support? Is there a difference in cultivating relationships with corporate funders vs private foundations and individual donors? What can a nonprofit do to break into this consistent yet, often elusive funding stream?

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Corporate Giving: Tips for Assessing Impact
Dear Andy: My organization is spending money on grants, donations, and sponsorships. The problem is we don’t have any idea whether we’re having the impact we’d hoped for. Further, my team is constantly being asked by executives for reports that slice & dice data we don’t even collect. How can we assess the full impact of our Corporate Giving? ----- Lost with Zero Visibility
Versaic: We Manage Good

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  3. Getting to Impact
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  4. The How of Grantmaking
    Assessing the How of Grantmaking from the Grant Managers Network (GMN) is packed with important information to help grantmakers. GMN tackles the...
  5. Five R's of Great Philanthropy Management- A Versaic eBook
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