The Controller's Guide to Selecting ESG Data Management and Disclosure Technology

We have reached a critical milestone in ESG data management and reporting where expectations for verification and assurance of ESG data are nearing those of financial reporting. Therefore, many organizations are taking steps to align existing processes and responsibilities for ES

Defending Animals and Overcoming Disabilities Through Accessible Technology

Some animals in Argentina are lucky to have the generous and tireless support of Carolina Ragazzon, who fights through disability to help others.

How Edge Devices Can Help Mitigate the Global Environmental Cost of Generative AI

It is imperative to find ways to make AI processing more energy efficient and sustainable. But most reports focus almost entirely on the energy used by AI in the cloud and in data centers.

Generative AI Levels Playing Field for Small Businesses, Says Latest GoDaddy Survey

More U.S. microbusinesses are using generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to grow and compete, with 50% of owners and operators recently surveyed indicating they have tried Gen AI tools in the past few months. 

Keysight and ETAS Enhance Automotive Security

Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS) and ETAS are partnering to provide automakers and automotive suppliers with a comprehensive automotive cybersecurity solution to ensure vehicles are protected when they hit the road.

Trane Technologies and the U.S. Department of Energy Partner To Advance Building Decarbonization in New Heat Pump Technology Challenge

Trane Technologies is participating in the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Commercial Building Heat Pump Technology Challenge. This new initiative is designed to advance the adoption of cost-effective, next-generation heat pump rooftop units and cut carbon emissions.

Longhorn Electric Racing Is Building the Future of Electric Vehicles With Cadence Tools

Longhorn Racing is a student-run racing team at the University of Texas at Austin. Not only are they building the best race cars, but they’re also building the future generation of engineers.

Molex Engineers Predict the Future Using Digital Twins

Engineers at Molex, a Koch company, are taking the idea of digital twins — fully functional virtual replicas of physical products — to the next level.

Women-Led Tech Start-Ups Help Fashion Stay at the Leading Edge of Innovation

In March, Tapestry joined the celebration of the launch of the New York Fashion Tech Lab’s 2024 Cohort, featuring six women-led B2B retail tech start-ups.

HempWood® Named Coolest Thing Made in Kentucky

HempWood® flooring is manufactured in Murray using fiber hemp grown within 100 miles of Calloway County for this specific purpose. It is renewable, sustainable, and USDA Certified BioBased. HempWood® contains no VOCs and is non-toxic.

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    Our built environment can shape our habits and choices, regulate our sleep-wake cycle, drive us toward healthy and unhealthy choices, and passively...
  2. Purposeful Innovation
    We invent breakthrough technologies that enable life-changing products and experiences.We’re building on our legacy of technology leadership with 5G...
  3. Northern Trust Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
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  5. Kingfisher Around the World
    The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world. It differentiates companies that are making...
  6. GoDaddy | Microbusiness
    They're the people who build websites, run restaurants, and offer classes online. But their impact has gone largely unnoticed. Our mission is to...
  7. Tapestry I The Power of Our People
    We aim to foster a culture of purpose and fulfillment at Tapestry by embedding equity, inclusion and diversity throughout our organization, and...
  8. License to Operate
    Corporate governance, risk management, operational integrity, and regulatory compliance are demanding challenges that companies face in today’s ever...
  9. Sustainable Operations
    As a global organization with more than 300,000 products and employing 20,000 people across more than 60 countries, we recognize the importance of...
  10. KeyBank's Community Investment
    In states where Key has a presence, there are approximately 1.7 million low- to moderate-income (LMI) households. Many LMI individuals don’t have bank...