Education in communities

Quality education: The engine of economic growth

Nothing is more fundamental to economic growth than building 21st-century skills. IBM’s longstanding commitment to education has evolved over the years to anticipate the needs of a changing world. We have addressed issues of childhood and adult literacy, early childhood exposure to math and science concepts, and the shortage of qualified math and science teachers. In 2014 we witnessed a dramatic expansion of our grades 9-14 schools program, which we designed to forge stronger, more meaningful, and more sustainable connections between school and career. 2014 also marked the beginning of a new era in the application of cognitive computing technology to the teaching profession, as IBM demonstrated the proof of concept for a no-cost, interactive, cognitive computing mentor available anytime to help teachers improve their teaching.

Learn more in our 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report. 

Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign


Experts: Show What You Know in a Skills-First Job Market
Lydia Logan, IBM VP of Global Education and Workforce Development, recently joined Whiteboard Advisors, along with other industry experts, to talk about IBM SkillsBuild, the shift towards skills-based learning across the industry, and hiring trends.


IBM Commits To Train 2 Million in Artificial Intelligence in Three Years, With a Focus on Underrepresented Communities
To help close the global artificial intelligence (AI) skills gap, today IBM announced a commitment to train two million learners in AI by the end of 2026, with a focus on underrepresented communities.


IBM Launching Teacher TryScience in Kenya
The Ministry of Education and Science in Kenya recently launched the national roll out of Teachers TryScience. This is hugely significant for Kenya where they note that "The future prosperity of Kenya depends on young people choosing STEM related subjects." Currently only 2% of students study STEM subjects at tertiary level.


IBM P-Tech: How High Schoolers Are Redefining Their Future
See how the P-TECH 9-14 school model is transforming high school through the eyes of two students, ShuDon and Xzavyen.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

The P-TECH Story

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