“A Force For Good” ESG Report

The company’s first consolidated report serves as a comprehensive resource to highlight all aspects of their sustainability and societal efforts, with an emphasis on ethics and inclusion, as well as clear governance practices. See how they’ve continued to progress on their commitment to empower people, innovate products and protect the planet.

Content from this campaign

Research, Reports & Publications

A Message From Jim Loree
This report celebrates our people, our purpose and our successes even in the face of a global pandemic, as we adapt to a changing and unpredictable world with empathy, agility and strength.

Research, Reports & Publications

Stanley Black & Decker Releases First Consolidated ESG Report, “A Force for Good”
The newly released report serves as a comprehensive resource to highlight all aspects of the company’s sustainability and societal efforts, with an emphasis on ethics and inclusion, as well as clear governance practices.

More from Stanley Black & Decker

  1. Diversity & Inclusion
    The goals of our 2030 Global Social Responsibility Strategy are within reach because of a dedicated, engaged, inclusive and collaborative workforce.We...
  2. Empower Makers
    Industrial and technological innovations are rapidly changing the nature of work and jobs.Globally 10 million jobs in manufacturing remain unfilled...
  3. Create a More Sustainable World
    Demand for already constrained resources continues to rise as does the economic impact of environmental degradation.At Stanley Black & Decker we have...
  4. Innovate with Purpose
    Global sustainable development challenges remain profound, with one in five people living in extreme poverty and 40% of the global population affected...
  5. “A Force For Good” ESG Report
    The company’s first consolidated report serves as a comprehensive resource to highlight all aspects of their sustainability and societal efforts, with...