GRI 20th Anniversary

The Global Reporting Initiative – GRI – was founded 20 years ago. Having pioneered non-financial disclosure, this year also marks the 20th anniversary of sustainability reporting.

Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Q&A With Canary Wharf: Reporting Helps to Inform, Inspire and Influence Responsible Business
Property developer Canary Wharf has been a sustainability reporter since 1987. We spoke to Martin Gettings, Group Head of Sustainability at Canary Wharf, who told GRI that they use sustainability reporting to prioritize and focus on both reporting and action, and to "inspire our people, peers and partners to come together to make sustainability real."

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Jubilant Life Sciences: Using GRI Reporting to Build a Sustainable Future for the Business
GRI Impact Stories present companies that are using the GRI reporting framework to create tangible benefits for their business and stakeholders. Jubilant Life Sciences, an Indian pharmaceutical company, states that reporting has contributed in their overall improved sustainability performance. Read more about the benefits in this interview.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Q&A With Munich Airport: Sustainability Reporting Helps to Remove Silos
Munich Airport has an ambitious target to become the first carbon neutral airport in Germany. We spoke to Bernd Schönhofer, Strategic Sustainability Manager at Munich Airport, who told us about the company’s ambitious sustainability programs and how reporting has helped them remove silos in the organization.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Sustainability Ratings Agency: "CSR Requires Commitment and Accountability"
Collecting and analyzing information on companies’ ESG risks, opportunities, and performance are essential to ensure market efficiency, optimal allocation of capital and reduction of information asymmetry. We spoke to Vigeo Eiris, an independent ESG rating agency, about the trends driving investor interest in ESG, and the critical nature of transparency in building trust among investors. ​

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Case Study: Creating Positive Business Impacts for Exporters and Investors Through CSR
Export Development Canada helps Canadian companies look for business opportunities abroad, and uses sustainability data to do this. Read more about the different aspects CSR reporting plays for EDC's work.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Q&A with Deutsche Börse: Transparency Is the Foundation for Responsible Investing
One of the largest stock exchanges in the world, Deutsche Börse strives to drive progress and innovation in sustainable finance. In this interview, Deutsche Börse's Head of Group Sustainability, Kristina Jeromin, talks about the increasing investor interest in ESG data, and the role of sustainability reporting in long-term oriented investing.​

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Building the Business Case for Sustainability: Impactful CSR Through Cross-Functional Teamwork
Building the business case for sustainability within a company is not always easy. In this interview, Symantec's Debra McLaughlin reveals practical examples of how the company tackled some of their CSR challenges, and how sustainability reporting has been an effective tool for that.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

SustainAbility: Companies Greenwashing Less and Less
Think tank and advisory firm SustainAbility focuses on helping companies lead the way to a sustainable economy. We spoke with Sarah Volkman, Manager at SustainAbility, who told us that integrating sustainability into core business strategy is the best way to drive change.

Research, Reports & Publications

Case Study: GUESS Jeans Taking Leaps in CSR Reporting to Create Positive Impacts
As a recent CSR reporter with the GRI framework, GUESS Jeans is using reporting to fulfil regulatory requirements, enhance stakeholder engagement and improve supply chain conditions, among other things. For GUESS, CSR is a corporate imperative, and transparency around it is becoming intertwined with its core business.


2017 in Review: Sustainability Reporting to Fight Climate Change
2017 was a record year in many respects, and climate change played a big part in it. We witnessed devastating natural disasters, groundbreaking policy changes and shocking political decisions, which set some of the progress backwards. However, many companies, states, even individuals, continue the fight with determination.

More from GRI

  1. GRI Services
    GRI's services are aimed at improving organizations' reporting process and quality of disclosure. The tools and services guide and equip reporters at...
  2. Empowering Sustainable Decisions
    GRI’s work is already embedded in different types of decision making across the world, whether through businesses using the sustainability reporting...
  3. GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards
    Globally accepted sustainability reporting standards create a common language for organizations and stakeholders by which impacts of organizations can...
  4. Transparency Matters
    Transparency Matters is a blog in which Global Reporting Initiative Chief Executive Tim J. Mohin writes about cutting-edge issues in corporate...
  5. Business Reporting on the SDGs
    GRI and the United Nations Global Compact have established a groundbreaking initiative, ‘Business Reporting on the SDGs’, to accelerate corporate...
  6. Sustainable Economy
    GRI provides the market with leadership on consistent sustainability disclosures, and works with policy makers, stock exchanges, regulators and...
  7. GRI 20th Anniversary
    The Global Reporting Initiative – GRI – was founded 20 years ago. Having pioneered non-financial disclosure, this year also marks the 20th anniversary...
  8. GRI Podcasts
    Beyond Reports is a monthly podcast from GRI, pioneer of the world’s most widely used standards on sustainability reporting and corporate disclosure...
  9. Thought leadership
    Opinion pieces inspiring sustainabillity leadership
  10. The Future is Digital
    GRI, the leading standard-setting organization for sustainability reporting is embracing the possibilities the digital world offers to make data more...