Community Progress Makers: Support that Fuels Impact and Transformative Change

By Brandee McHale, President of the Citi Foundation and Director of Corporate Citizenship, Citi
Apr 21, 2017 5:30 PM ET

Community Progress Makers: Support that Fuels Impact and Transformative Change

Community-based organizations have been at the forefront of transforming cities, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, acting as both spring boards to economic opportunity and critical safety nets for low-income people and communities. However, to accelerate the pace of transformative impact in our cities, these change-agents need more than financial support for specific programs. They need funders to back them in a way that allows them to amplify their influence and voice, evolve to adapt to shifting external trends, and develop new ways of addressing long-term societal challenges. It was this need that drove the Citi Foundation to launch the Community Progress Makers Fund in 2015, providing multi-year, core operating support to nonprofits in six U.S. cities. Read More.