Corona Takes Back the Beach

Jun 9, 2017 6:30 PM ET

Corona Takes Back the Beach

An estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic waste enter the oceans each year, making ocean trash a serious environmental threat to the ecosystem and the many islands that depend on pristine beaches to boost tourism. In the past, organizations have combated the issue by educating tourists and individuals who feel removed from the issue. But now, one partnership is tackling problems on the ground while also addressing the source of the issue.

Corona, a Mexican beer brand that considers the beach home, has partnered with marine organization Parley for the Oceans in an effort to end marine plastic pollution. The long-term partnership launched with a plan to protect 100 islands by 2020. The program, kicking off in six key regions of the world, uses Parley’s creative, multidisciplinary approach and signature formula, the Parley AIR Strategy (Avoid plastic, Intercept plastic waste, Redesign plastic materials and products). 

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