A Deep Dive into Machine Learning

Feb 19, 2019 10:15 AM ET
Moody's employees during a tour of Google's campus

Posted from Moody's 2017 CSR Report

As part of the Enabling Technologies Initiative at Moody’s Investors Service (MIS) and in partnership with Moody’s Information Technology (MIT), last year six of our employees attended a monthlong program at Google’s Machine Learning Advanced Solutions Lab in Mountain View, California. 

The program included practical, hands-on training in key machine learning areas using TensorFlow as well as Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine tools, systems and application programming interfaces. This is the same training that Google’s own engineers receive. 

At the end of the course, Google facilitated a two-day idea session with the team to identify promising opportunities for Moody’s to apply machine learning at scale in areas such as predictive analytics and data extraction. Upon returning to Moody’s, participants worked with other colleagues to help share their new insights into machine learning so that the company can further develop these competencies.

Read more from Moody's 2017 CSR Report