Honda Drives Home New Driving Awareness Month Message

Apr 21, 2017 6:45 PM ET

Honda Drives Home New Driving Awareness Month Message

Over the past several years, many brands have addressed the issue of texting while driving – especially among young drivers. In 2014, AT&T amplified its powerful "It Can Wait" campaign by seamlessly integrating its message into teen culture by harnessing the popularity of mobile or internet slang. However, a Zendrive study found that Americans still use their phones nearly every single time they get behind the wheel. Therefore, during Distracted Driving Awareness month, one company is targeting teens with an updated message.

According to Honda, millennial drivers have the highest rates of texting (74%) and checking social media sites (36%) while driving. In response, Honda created a parody music video titled “Designated Texter” which presents a new solution to texting while driving.

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