Looking for All Things Employee Engagement Embodied into One, Easy-to-Use Employee Giving Tool?

May 17, 2018 4:00 PM ET

Technology platforms support a growing range of employee giving and engagement programs as companies expand their mix of community service and involvement initiatives, which are part of their broader corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs and strategy. According to America’s Charities’ Snapshot 2015 report, “More than 80% of employers said they use technology to allow employees to give money; 65% use it to record volunteer hours; and 69% use technology to allow employees to sign up for volunteer events.”

And having a good online giving solution matters when it comes to whether an employee gives or not. Right behind paid time off to volunteer and employer matching gifts, “an easy-to-use online platform” is the third most important component of an employee giving program according to more than 1,500 employee donors surveyed in America’s Charities latest report, Snapshot 2017: What Employees Think about Workplace Giving, Volunteering, and CSR.

But one of the top challenges that coordinators continue to face is how to administer all of this.

As one survey respondent stated in Snapshot 2015:

“We are looking for a technology solution that is ‘all things employee engagement’ embodied into one tool that is easy to manage and streamlines the employee experience.”

Executing a multifaceted employee giving and engagement program can seem like an overwhelming process. But it doesn’t have to be. 

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