Momentous Institute: A Laboratory for Ed-Tech Innovation

By: Charles Herget
Mar 16, 2015 3:00 PM ET

Momentous Institute: A Laboratory for Ed-Tech Innovation

How can we use technology to transform learning and help students succeed in school and beyond?

At AT&T, that’s a question we ask ourselves a lot, and over the past year, we’ve been answering it. Through AT&T Aspire, we’re working with the Momentous Institute in urban Dallas to enhance learning inside and outside the classroom and ultimately improve student outcomes.

Last fall, we collaborated with Samsung to provide 300 tablets, loaded with education software, to students, teachers and administrators at the Momentous School, a program of the Institute. We also improved the school’s broadband infrastructure to ensure quick content delivery.

We want to better understand how technology can 1) enable learning on-the-go 2) customize education to meet the unique needs of each student and 3) help manage stress and other emotions that can inhibit learning.

We’re working with students, teachers and parents to find out what works and what doesn’t, so that we can pass along best practices to educators everywhere. We’re evaluating our success based on factors such as student and parent engagement in the learning process, as well as academic performance.

Over the next few months, I’ll be talking about what we learn in a series of blog posts. We’ll share some stories from both students and teachers and reveal some exciting new tools that eventually will be available to everyone. Come back and visit us here for updates or click here to make sure you stay posted via email.