NGO Coalition Pushes for Strong EU Conflict Minerals Legislation

Jul 15, 2013 10:05 AM ET
Campaign: Conflict Minerals

SOMO, CCFD-Terre Solidare, Christian Aid, EURAC, Global Witness, IKV Pax Christi, JESC and Justice et Paix have come together to create a 'core-group' of NGO's pushing the European Union to develop strong conflict minerals legislation measures.  This legislation would have a broad geographical scope and be in line with internationals due diligence standards.  Thought leaders like these are gathering for the first ever Global Conflict Minerals Symposium taking place in Los Angeles, CA on August 21 and 22 of this year. 

The Symposium coincides with the 1-year anniversary promulgation date of the Dodd-Frank Section 1502 Conflict Minerals Final Rule.  

This is an invitation-only event providing senior corporate and compliance executives, key regulatory officials, academia and ethics officers, legal professionals, sustainability/CSR experts and industry leaders with a forum to share their practical experience, insights, and global vision relative to meeting the requirements of this unprecedented regulation.

The Global Conflict Minerals Symposium features speakers and participants from a diverse cross-section of stakeholders including: The United States Government Accountability Office, Parliament of Canada, Former US State Department, European Union, University of California, Private industry, As You Sow - and more.

Click Here for a Personal Conflict Minerals Demo

Click Here for More Information on the Global Conflict Minerals Symposium