North Face Shares Climate Beneficial Supply Chain Innovation at the Product Level

North Face Shares Climate Beneficial Supply Chain Innovation at the Product Lev…
During 2017 there has been increased focus on the Sustainable Development Goals and how companies can lead the charge. Many companies are working to improve their supply chains, but rarely share the progress with consumers at the product level. Recently, one company was able to create a supply chain innovation and design a product that shares the initiative with consumers in an easy, accessible way.
The North Face has partnered with Fibershed, an organization that focuses on regional textile production, to help fund a “carbon farming” plan at a California farm. By making small changes like planting short-term crops, layering compost and planting more trees, the ranch is now producing “climate beneficial” wool, which is used in the new “Cali Wool” beanie. Based on the pilot program, the ranch expects to remove 4,068 metric tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere annually, offsetting emissions equivalent to 865 passenger vehicles a year. “Generally, in trying to be more sustainable, you are reducing the environmental impact, or being ‘less bad,'” says James Rogers, senior sustainability manager, The North Face.
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