Preserving Our Forests. Preserving Our Future.
Why FSC certification is the strongest approach to preserving the world’s forests

Count to 10. In that short amount of time, our planet lost nearly five football fields worth of forest land. From the products we use, to the air that we breathe, the preservation of these precious ecosystems has an impact on many aspects of our daily lives.
As a result, a recent trend towards corporate anti-deforestation pledges has arisen. While well intentioned, not all of these efforts have the same long-term benefits as those promoted by Domtar, such as increasing the use of Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified fiber. We recently published a white paper on this very topic, highlighting why FSC® certification is the strongest approach to preserving the world’s forests. It can be viewed here.
Ever wonder what an FSC®certified forest looks like? All too often, people have the wrong mental picture of the appearance of a forest used for the sourcing of wood fibers. A recent pictorial on the website, The Guardian*, showcases how a healthy, responsibly managed forest that supplies Domtar’s Windsor Mill actually looks. Please click here to view these amazing photos.
To learn more about our commitments to the planet, please visit Domtar’s sustainability section.
This article was first published on our blog Fiberlines: an online space where you’ll get insights about our business and our products, stories about our host communities, and opinion about industry innovation and sustainability trends. Check it out at or follow us on Twitter (@DomtarCorp), LinkedIn or Google+ (+Domtar).
*The views and opinions expressed on The Guardian are those of the authors and publishers and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Domtar.