Some of the Ways Old Mutual Added Value Across Africa in 2015

Jun 8, 2016 10:00 AM ET

The impact we have made to date

The Plan is already embedding into the business. Since its launch in August 2015, we have grown strong partnerships to drive it forward and implemented key initiatives. The case studies that follow demonstrate the tangible positive impacts that we have made to date.

Going forward

We will continue to strengthen partnerships and initiatives where we make positive impacts. For example, with Opportunity International we are testing education tools for customer use and digitising our financial education programmes.

With the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the Investment Leaders Group, we are working on a number of projects including sustainable agriculture, the true value of reporting and embedding environmental, social and governance practices and to help grow our share of investment opportunities in a low carbon economy. We are establishing a common approach to measure the impact of our Plan – to help us report progress against our six goals. Our aim is to report not just what Old Mutual has delivered but what the effect is for our business and the long-term benefit to society.

Download the Positive Futures Plan 2015 here

Download the Value Report here

Visit the Positive Futures Plan Page

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