World Changing Contributors Wanted for CSRwire “Talkback” Blogs

by David Connor
Dec 22, 2014 12:30 PM ET
David has a 17-year history working in the CSR and sustainability field, initially in community engagement at Everton Football Club where he spent eight years.


We are preparing for 2015 by unleashing our new re-energised editorial calendar.

Talkback is our premium original content channel reserved for bold, innovative, challenging and inspiring articles designed to educate and to stimulate the debate, pushing responsible business into the mainstream. And it’s time for some fresh blood on the writing team.

This is your chance to follow in the footsteps of amazing thought leaders, corporate superstars and accomplished authors such as John Elkington, Lucy Marcus, Tim Mohin, Elaine Cohen, John Friedman, Wayne Visser, Christine Bader and Bob Willard.

If you are interested in submitting original content that adds credible value to the ongoing exploration of all values-based business concepts across the social and environmental spectrum, contact us. We aren’t hung up on the buzzwords: call it CSR, sustainability, shared value, social enterprise, your own term, or whatever flavour you prefer. Just make it have an impact on our audience across the planet.

Click here to learn more!

David has a 17-year history working in the CSR and sustainability field, initially in community engagement at Everton Football Club where he spent eight years.  Following his work at Everton, David founded Coethica, a consultancy focused on communications and strategic development including engagements with some of the world’s leading companies including Microsoft, Timberland, L’Oreal, UBM, Diageo, Societé General and SAP. David has also actively supported and campaigned for social change with numerous non-profit board level positions. David worked with 3BL Media during the initial launch of the company in 2009.