Alliant Energy

Alliant Energy Corporation  (NASDAQ: LNT) provides regulated energy service to 965,000 electric and 415,000 natural gas customers across  Iowa  and  Wisconsin .  Alliant Energy's  mission is to deliver the energy solutions and exceptional service customers and communities count on – safely, efficiently and responsibly.  Interstate Power and Light Company  and  Wisconsin Power and Light Company  are  Alliant Energy's  two public energy companies.  Alliant Energy  is a component of the Nasdaq CRD Sustainability Index,  Bloomberg's  2019 Gender-Equality Index, and the  S&P  500. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedInFacebookInstagram and Twitter.

Flexible Media Releases


2019 Alliant Energy Corporate Sustainability Report
Powering what's next by growing our commitment to the environment and beyond. At Alliant Energy, we’re listening to our customers and continuing to...

2021 Corporate Responsibility Report
Alliant Energy releases its 2021 Corporate Responsibility Report (CRR) highlighting advancements in renewable energy and progress on their Clean...

Alliant Energy 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report
We’re acting today, for a better tomorrow “When communities thrive and grow, we build a better world – for our children and many generations to come.”...
