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Boston Scientific
At the onset of the pandemic, as employees around the globe wrestled with disrupted schedules and increased caregiving responsibilities, Boston Scientific relied on what it was hearing from employees to fully understand their needs.
Health & Healthcare
FedEx Corporation
From our friends at the Red Cross, here are five steps you can take to get your household ready now to help protect you and your loved ones.
Health & Healthcare
Bristol Myers Squibb Company
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a chronic, inheritable disease where there is excessive thickening of the heart muscle.
Health & Healthcare
Irvine, CA-based Sabra Health Care REIT is joining an alliance of senior living industry leaders and companies to provide more healthy and safe indoor living spaces for residents and staff.
Health & Healthcare
Two years into the pandemic that has killed millions and shaken the global economy, the world still lacks a unified effort to detect and fight future outbreaks using genetic tools, said Illumina Inc. Chief Executive Officer Francis deSouza.
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Gilead Sciences
If left untreated, VL kills 95% of its victims. Though progress has been made, we still have a way to go and, as we look to the next decade, eliminating VL will continue to be a priority for Gilead Sciences.
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Merck & Co., Inc.
While those days were difficult, Rodrique said he was fortunate that his background in cardiovascular disease at Merck helped him to better understand his parents’ diagnoses and have informed conversations with their doctors.
Health & Healthcare
I’m proud to announce that today, during the World CDx Summit in London, Illumina, Inc. announced a long-term strategic collaboration with Janssen Biotech, Inc. (Janssen) to accelerate the development of precision medicines.
Health & Healthcare
Think of an epidemiologist as an advanced chess player, an individual who studies the world’s patterns of infectious diseases to stay several steps ahead of viral threats.
Health & Healthcare
A new study from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism shows alcohol-related deaths increased by 25% in 2020 and remained elevated in 2021.
Health & Healthcare
More than 50 million Americans live with chronic pain.1 SCS and DRG therapy can help address chronic pain by interrupting the pain signals traveling along the spinal cord or the dorsal root ganglia, a cluster of nerves along the spine, before they…
Health & Healthcare
Illumina’s advances in genetic sequencing are reshaping medicine. Genetic sequencing has now allowed cancer patients to find treatment options specific to their tumors, doctors to anticipate adverse drug reactions and personalize medicine, public…
Health & Healthcare
Minority Health Month fact: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adults are more likely to experience a mental health condition than cisgender, heterosexual adults.
Health & Healthcare
While the industry has made great strides in cancer research and treatments, minority groups in the U.S. continue to bear a greater burden of cancers compared with others.
Health & Healthcare
Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ: ILMN), a global leader in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies, announced an agreement with Germany's Hannover Medical School (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH)) to implement the use of whole-genome…
Health & Healthcare
Inogen Alliance
An outside expert eye can be tremendously valuable, especially when the stakes are high. It’s fair to say that where construction safety is concerned, the stakes are high. Working on construction sites is inherently dangerous.
Health & Healthcare
In June 2019, Christina and Daniel Kettler were barely home from the hospital with their newborn son when they received an urgent phone call.
Health & Healthcare
Alcohol use disorder is a debilitating disease that impacts millions of people every day, and the stigma that surrounds it prevents people from seeking help.
Health & Healthcare
Bristol Myers Squibb Company
When a new “rash” appears on the skin, many people may not associate it with psoriasis.
Health & Healthcare
April marks National Minority Health Month, a time for us to reflect on the work still needed to address and break down existing barriers that keep minority communities from seeking mental health care.
Health & Healthcare
Austin L. Chiang, MD, explains why he brought his sizable social media following to Medtronic, where he serves as chief medical officer of the Gastrointestinal business.
Health & Healthcare
International WELL Building Institute
The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) today announced the launch of its inaugural WELL City Advisory, which will explore ways to support local governments worldwide in demonstrating leadership on advancing health and well-being across…
Health & Healthcare
Boston Scientific
The Boston Scientific WaveWriter Alpha SCS System provides multiple therapy options that can be used in combination to help patients find relief.
Health & Healthcare
Merck & Co., Inc.
The scientists who made giant strides in the fight against viral diseases included Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin. Dr. Maurice Hilleman, who led Merck’s Department of Virus and Cell Biology from 1957 to 1984, also belonged to that group of pioneers.
Health & Healthcare
Gilead Sciences
Health & Healthcare