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Global Compact Network Canada
In celebration of Human Rights Day, UNICEF Canada and Global Compact Network Canada today launched the first-ever Child Rights and Business Assessment to help Canadian businesses assess their impact on children’s wellbeing.
Sustainable Development Goals
Covestro LLC
In her latest Medium blog, Rebecca Lucore, Covestro LLC’s head of CSR and Sustainability, reflects on sustainability as a thread that ties physical health with economic health with environmental health and the health of our social institutions.
Sustainable Development Goals
Ethical Markets
The earliest markets for metaphysical reconstruction evolved continually from changing belief systems, religions, creation stories, cultural fashions, and later from science fiction, futures forecasting scenarios.
Sustainable Development Goals
Qualcomm believes in the power of collaboration. We embrace SDG 17 and the opportunity to work with organizations to expand our impact in our local communities and across the world.
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
Business and civil society executives from across Africa joined United Nations leaders at a virtual UN Global Compact gathering today to call for greater commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals in response to challenges created by the COVID-…
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
The eighth annual High-Level Meeting of Caring for Climate will take place Tuesday, 8 December 2020 from 09:00 - 10:40 am EST | 03:00 - 04:40 pm CET, bringing together leaders from business, finance, sub-national government, civil society, and the…
Sustainable Development Goals
Global Compact Network Canada
On December 2, 2020, Global Compact Network Canada welcomed leaders, advocates, and change-makers at the Business for Gender Equality virtual forum.
Sustainable Development Goals
My Green Lab
To meet the critical climate & environmental issues of our time, My Green Lab, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the sustainability of scientific research, is adding 2 new members to its board of directors: Dr. Sapna Thottathil & Jeffrey…
Sustainable Development Goals
Pure Strategies
Pure Strategies joined as a pioneer member of the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) Corporate Engagement Program, to help advance corporate adoption of science-based targets for water, land, biodiversity, and oceans to complement the important…
Sustainable Development Goals
The Nature Conservancy
Appetite for Change: As expectations of sustainability grow among employees and consumers alike, new analysis reveals leadership opportunity for FB&A businesses willing to prioritise the environment.
Sustainable Development Goals
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
As the global COVID-19 pandemic began to unfold earlier this year, many focused on ensuring access to essential products, like toilet paper. Yet two billion people around the world still lack access to basic sanitation and clean water.
Sustainable Development Goals
Ninety One
The event will broadcast the presentation of the Annual Prince William Award for Conservation, sponsored by headline partner Ninety One
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed will address African Business, Government and civil society leaders next month at a virtual event to discuss progress on the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa.
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact today announced their strong support for mandatory human rights due diligence during a speech by CEO and Executive Director Sanda Ojiambo at the 9th Annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights.
Sustainable Development Goals
Our global economic system has enabled billions to lift themselves from poverty. It fueled material success and sustained improvements in health, literacy, and nutrition. As a result, we have seen rising living standards, significant advances...
Sustainable Development Goals
Antea Group
Do you really know how much water you are using? Antea Group completes their facility optimization series by discussing water.
Sustainable Development Goals
Tetra Tech
This piece was written by A.G. Klei, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission in Madagascar’s Senior Development and Outreach Communications Advisor, and Mialy Randriamampianina, Communications Officer for the USAID Mikajy…
Sustainable Development Goals
In addition to doubling their tree planting goal to 20 million trees by 2030, Verizon introduces a new, sustainable retail bag.
Sustainable Development Goals
TD Bank Group
TD Bank Group today announced its commitment to a global climate action plan, which includes a target to achieve net-zero GHG emissions associated with its operations and financing activities by 2050, aligned to the associated principles of the…
Sustainable Development Goals
Global Compact Network Canada
Global Compact Network Canada (GCNC), the Canadian chapter of the United Nations Global Compact, will be hosting an innovative virtual forum, Business for Gender Equality: A forum to fast-forward progress in the Canadian private sector on December 2…
Sustainable Development Goals
As signatory to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact and a dedicated company committed to helping achieve the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ON Semiconductor continuously looks for new opportunities to address pressing social and…
Sustainable Development Goals
Global Compact Network Canada
Global Compact Network Canada announced a call for companies to nominate young professionals who are transforming their company’s sustainability practices for the better despite the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact today launched its first regional network in Africa for Mauritius and the Indian Ocean region at an event attended by representatives from business, civil society, academia and the United Nations.
Sustainable Development Goals
Only 2% of Uganda's 1.8 million urban households are connected to a sewer line. All others rely on on-site septics or pit toilets. This article describes in-depth the challenges faced by private pit emptier facilities.
Sustainable Development Goals
Anheuser-Busch InBev
In this challenging year, the power of women in leadership was brought into high relief. Female leaders across the world steered their countries with resolve and compassion through the pandemic crisis
Sustainable Development Goals