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As the past weeks have shown, technology both connects and divides us. Smartphones captured the brutal video of George Floyd’s death, and social media amplified it and helped galvanize millions to demand action. Yet, deep digital divides exist...
Sustainable Development Goals
The annual review of progress achieved in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (the SDGs) starts next week, with a virtual format meaning it will be the greenest and most inclusive yet.
Sustainable Development Goals
Every day, we are inspired by the essential workers on the frontlines of this pandemic—by their commitment to working despite the risks and their resourcefulness and tremendous talents under duress.
Sustainable Development Goals
International Olympic Committee
Launched by the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, #UN75 is a global dialogue initiative that generates discussions in all spheres of society about the challenges the world is currently facing.
Sustainable Development Goals
Kohler Co.
Kohler Co., a global leader in the innovation and design of plumbing products, engines and generators, released its 2019 Social Impact Report.
Sustainable Development Goals
Today, Verizon (NYSE: VZ) announced it has joined The Climate Pledge - the commitment co-founded by Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) and Global Optimism to meet the Paris Agreement 10 years early.
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Presidents of Botswana, Colombia, Costa Rica and Ethiopia joined the President of the UN General Assembly and UN Secretary-General alongside dozens of Chief Executive Officers and UN chiefs
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
Today, on the occasion of its 20th-anniversary Leaders Summit, the United Nations Global Compact, in partnership with DNV GL, released a new report looking back on 20 years of corporate sustainability progress among its business participants.
Sustainable Development Goals
ON Semiconductor has a history and focus on environmental and social concerns, which was furthered by our membership in the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). Our membership in the UN Global Compact extends our commitment in these areas.
Sustainable Development Goals
As we navigate through month six of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re experiencing its impact on many levels – physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually. The sheer scale and reach of the pandemic creates paradoxes that we’re all wrestling...
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
The UN Global Compact is challenging companies to align with an initial set of business benchmarks to gauge whether their activities are aiming at the necessary level of ambition to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Sustainable Development Goals
UN Global Compact Network UK
A letter sent to the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday 9th June calls on his government to use the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to frame Covid-19 recovery plans.
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Presidents of Botswana, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia will join dozens of Chief Executive Officers and UN chiefs at the United Nations Global Compact’s Leaders Summit next week to address the private sector’s…
Sustainable Development Goals
Southern Company announced an updated climate strategy with a goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 at its annual stockholder meeting today.
Sustainable Development Goals
International Olympic Committee
As part of a four-year collaborative partnership between the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and IUCN, we interviewed Marie Sallois, IOC’s Director for Sustainability
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today announced the appointment of Sanda Ojiambo of Kenya as Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact.
Sustainable Development Goals
In the space of a few weeks, life around the globe has been upended in the wake of COVID-19. Industries of all kinds have been forced to rapidly change how they work, and agriculture is no different.
Sustainable Development Goals
Yesterday was a novelty in two ways: Firstly, due to the ongoing crisis of COVID-19, Bayer held the first purely virtual AGM in the history of German business. Secondly, I had the opportunity to speak to our shareholders about Bayer's vision...
Sustainable Development Goals
Black & Veatch
Water is a critical element within the mining industry; in fact, mine water management is one of the largest challenges facing miners today.
Sustainable Development Goals
An updated resource is now available to assist companies to report on progress in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the GRI Standards.
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
Delays and disruptions in the supply of goods produced at and shipped by sea will cause significant shortages if governments don’t work together to keep global ocean-related supply chains moving during the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN Global Compact…
Sustainable Development Goals
Whirlpool Corporation
2019 was a remarkable year for Whirlpool Corporation, as they raised the bar on their commitments to sustainability. Check out this infographic summarizing their results.
Sustainable Development Goals
Antea Group
We’ve outlined the four growth stages of a successful CDP reporting season: Seed, Sprout, Sapling and Tree. Not sure where your roots lie? Read on to determine which stage applies to you.
Sustainable Development Goals
The Colegio Don Bosco De Calama recently graduated its first class of 141 students in December.

Sustainable Development Goals