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Staying competitive in business means economic growth and jobs. In a world where new markets are opening every day and new competitors are changing the game, companies need to be globally connected and deploy new products and breakthrough innovation…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Ethical Performance
The Winter 2016 issue of Best Practice includes CSR and sustainability case studies from thought leaders across several industries
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
At the start of each year, we take time to reflect upon the prior year to ensure we don’t lose sight of the lessons we learned. From launching innovative product partnerships that benefit society and celebrating milestone environmental achievements…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Understanding personal values of CEOs informs employees and investors about a company’s commitment to ethics and corporate social responsibility. In a paper titled “Relation between personal values of CEOs and their commitment to corporate social…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Now more than ever, businesses (and their partners) are leaning on their expertise and innovations, and not just philanthropy, to solve global problems. At the same time, relationships have become more than a “name only” association between…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Ray C. Anderson Foundation
What if every single person instinctively took ethical values into account every time they bought a banana, bottle of wine, cell phone or house?
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Capital Institute
At this year’s World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland, PR firm Edelman shared its comprehensive annual Trust Barometer, confirming what we all know: global trust in institutions and leaders is at an all-time low. Fully two-thirds of…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
While this year's CDP Supply Chain Report, written by BSR in partnership with CDP and the Carbon Trust, showed that the world's largest purchasing organizations are driving down emissions in their supply chains, it also highlighted the…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Northern Trust
Northern Trust Asset Management, collaborating with GRESB, the global sustainability benchmark for real assets, has launched a unique sustainable real estate index. A Dutch-domiciled pooled fund passively managed to this new index has also been…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Porter Novelli
Cone Communications will be heading to Tucson, AZ to participate in the second Jewelry Industry Summit January 29-30. The two-day conference will facilitate an open forum between stakeholders of the jewelry industry on sustainable and responsible…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
The latest revision of the AccountAbility Principles, the AA1000AP (2017) has been opened for public consultation via a globally accessible web platform today. The AA1000 series are widely applied for integrating and embedding sustainability and…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Daimler AG
The evening before the 9th Sustainability Dialog in Stuttgart kicked off with open, helpful, but also controversial discussions. "If we plan to meet the Paris climate goals, traffic must become cleaner", guest speaker Peter Bakker from the…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Business Call to Action (BCtA)
Bangladesh-based Square Toiletries Limited (STL) has joined the Business Call to Action (BCtA) by committing to provide affordable menstrual hygiene solutions to women employees at 300 factories by 2020. With this commitment, STL aims to improve the…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
As more shoppers click to buy, the demand for a seamless shopping experience lands on retailers, and oftentimes the effort to provide this comes at an increased cost to the environment.
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Ray C. Anderson Foundation
Capitalism is fundamentally a more efficient system than communism. By empowering private citizens to seek their own self-interest, the system becomes decentralized, making it more locally attuned to market demands and shifting conditions.
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
As the global economy moves toward implementation of its new climate goals, the world’s largest purchasing organizations are using their buying clout to drive down emissions across their supply chains.
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Porter Novelli
Business has the opportunity and obligation to advance critical social and environmental issues—and the momentum is undeniable. Regardless of who may be in office, business continues to move the needle on crucial causes.
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Tyler Butler is Founder and Principal of 11Eleven Consulting. 11Eleven is a boutique consulting firm focused on aiding companies who aim to do well by doing good. 11Eleven assists companies to develop meaningful and innovative corporate social…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
United Nations Global Compact
Let's Make Global Goals Local Business in 2017!

Learn more about the UN Global Compact’s multi-year strategy to drive business awareness and action in support of achieving the SDGs by 2030.
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
“We will only be successful if customers are at the heart of our business,” says Steven Cooper, CEO for Personal Banking at Barclays, whose team oversee the accounts of 17 million people.
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
Uncertainty is natural in today’s turbulent global environment. But what is certain is that the need for responsible leadership by business is greater today than at any other time in recent history. As governments grapple with transition and change…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
GRI and the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB) are excited to announce the first set of GRI Standards open for review in 2017 - GRI 303: Water and GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety. Stakeholders with expertise in these areas can…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Antea Group
A client’s remediation organization was concerned over the financial and safety performance of contractors and subcontractors working on its portfolio of over 800 remediation sites consisting of retail service stations, terminals and pipeline…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
AccountAbility will open the latest revision of the AccountAbility Principles, the AA1000AP (2017) for public consultation on the 26th of January 2017. Upon completion of the public consultation and consideration of feedback received, the AA1000AP (…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement
Benevity Inc., the global leader in online workplace giving, matching, volunteering and community investment software, announced that it surpassed $1 billion in donations to almost 105,000 charities in 2016. In just the last two years, donations to…
Responsible Business & Employee Engagement