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CECP: Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose
How does your company make decisions about social investments? Is it an ad-hoc approach or strategic and measurable? CECP's Giving in Numbers report - the largest, most robust, industry-leading and internationally-recognized research of…
Research, Reports & Publications
Andrew Plepler, global head of ESG at Bank of America, discusses how the Ceres Roadmap for Sustainability provides the company with a comprehensive framework for corporate sustainability leadership.
Research, Reports & Publications
In 2017 Barclays helped clients raise £31.7bn across a range of social and environmental segments.
Research, Reports & Publications
SiMPACT Strategy Group
Companies in the LBG Canada network, both large and small, value employee volunteering programs. Employee volunteering is an important aspect of community investment. LBG Canada companies may range in size, but they all understand the importance of…
Research, Reports & Publications
Arrow Electronics
Arrow Electronics released its annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Report, an overview of its 2017 social, environmental and economic impacts. The global technology company’s influential CSR programs transform ideas into…
Research, Reports & Publications
Catherine Gunsbury, director of sustainability and transparency at General Mills, discusses the value of stakeholder engagement.

TURNING POINT: Corporate Progress on the Ceres Roadmap for Sustainability is a new assessment released…
Research, Reports & Publications
MetLife, Inc.
While Common Cents Lab is a research entity, its work does so much more than create interesting research. It creates easier, more intuitive ways for people to save – which is something that most people say they want to do, but find difficult. In…
Research, Reports & Publications
In our new report, TURNING POINT: Corporate Progress on The Ceres Roadmap for Sustainability, we take a closer look at how more than 600 of the largest U.S. companies are responding to these calls and positioning themselves for success in a world…
Research, Reports & Publications
BNY Mellon
Closing the gender gap in women’s access to financial products and services could unlock $330 billion in global annual revenue, according to a new report released today from BNY Mellon and the United Nations Foundation. Increased market…
Research, Reports & Publications
We continue to enhance non-financial reporting across our disclosures, with increased information on material topics, non-financial performance measures and both regulatory and voluntary disclosures on gender pay, modern slavery and climate change.
Research, Reports & Publications
CECP: Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose
CECP has been known for measurement since its founding, with our dataset starting back in 2001 and Giving in Numbers almost to its 15th anniversary. While our companies’ questions drive CECP’s work more than anything, across our team we also keep a…
Research, Reports & Publications
Vaisala, a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement, published today its renewed annual report. The report is its first to integrate strategy, value creation, financial statements, governance, and sustainability information all into…
Research, Reports & Publications
GRI’s new Disclosure Review Service gives feedback on sustainability reports to help improve the quality of reporting. Apply now to get feedback on your company's ESG disclosures.
Research, Reports & Publications
Black & Veatch
Smart cities also can be “Safe Cities” through the integration of smart city and public safety initiatives. An estimated 20 Safe City pilot programs are underway across the United States, in addition to programs on nearly every continent, in cities…
Research, Reports & Publications
A new interactive web-based analysis released today by Ceres examines how more than 600 of the largest publicly traded companies in the U.S. are responding to urgent calls to act on climate change and other sustainability threats, such as water…
Research, Reports & Publications
PANDORA releases the annual Ethics Report for 2017/18 showcasing the company’s aspirations, efforts and great results that have been achieved as part of PANDORA’s commitment to being an ethical brand with a big heart.
Research, Reports & Publications
“We are building a more sustainable bank; a more responsible company, doing business in a more sustainable way. We consider the long-term impacts of our actions in our decision making, and we are proud that our enterprise and financial education…
Research, Reports & Publications
Sustainability reporting has been a growing trend in China for at least a decade. To support seasoned and first-time reporters alike, GRI has launched the Simplified Chinese translation of the GRI Standards.
Research, Reports & Publications
Delivering on brand relevance also requires welcoming more and different voices to the table, using our collective wisdom to solve problems together and rallying consumers and employees to take action with us as brands. When net trust in global…
Research, Reports & Publications
Lloyds Banking Group has published its latest Helping Britain Prosper Plan Update. The Plan is the Group’s response to help address the social and economic issues that matter to Britain. We believe no other bank is better placed to do this – we…
Research, Reports & Publications
SiMPACT Strategy Group
Whether they be large or small, companies in the LBG Canada network are creating impact through their investments in community, using the LBG Model.
Research, Reports & Publications
Black & Veatch
Is the smart city hype cycle over? Have concerns about cost, security and public skepticism finally won out over the benefits of efficiency, sustainability and public safety? It is fair to consider whether the futuristic visions of hyper-…
Research, Reports & Publications
The Well Living Lab today announced an extensive three-year scientific research plan to identify how indoor environments effect five significant facets of people’s lives: health, performance, stress and resiliency, sleep and comfort. Studies will…
Research, Reports & Publications
T. Rowe Price
T. Rowe Price has released its 2016–2017 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report, which is available at The report details how CSR is an integral part of the firm’s culture and interwoven through its business, as…
Research, Reports & Publications
University of Michigan: Erb Institute | Business for Sustainability
ANN ARBOR—The added weight, electricity demand and aerodynamic drag of the sensors and computers used in autonomous vehicles are significant contributors to their lifetime energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new study.
Research, Reports & Publications