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PayPal has released new research looking at purchasing behaviors of credit card rewards holders during the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing people around the country are turning to rewards balances to help them stretch their budgets.
Research, Reports & Publications
International WELL Building Institute
The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) and GRESB today released a report that outlines how the GRESB Real Estate Assessment is supported by the WELL Building Standard (WELL).
Research, Reports & Publications
Edison International
Through customer program incentives, earmarked funds in green technologies, and targeted community outreach, SCE prioritizes support for ESJ communities.
Research, Reports & Publications
The report highlights the company’s corporate and social responsibility and environmental sustainability efforts, including recognition of the importance of continuing to increase the sophistication of monitoring and reporting on such efforts in the…
Research, Reports & Publications
Schneider Electric
Our research was conducted in the fall of 2019, at a time when none of us could anticipate that the publication of this report would overlap with the proliferation of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Research, Reports & Publications
Edison International
Diverse and inclusive workplaces lead to better business decisions and an environment where every employee feels supported and empowered.
Research, Reports & Publications
Barilla Group has released its new Sustainability Report, to share the path taken by the Company with society at large and to give a concrete contribution to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, part of the 2030 Agenda.
Research, Reports & Publications
The MSME resilience framework serves as an organizing tool which governments, philanthropic organizations, development agencies, and large corporates can adopt to help micro, small, and medium enterprises recover from the COVID-19 crisis.
Research, Reports & Publications
Schneider Electric
We made a firm resolution years ago to address the climate crisis. We work toward a cleaner future by building sustainable programs into our business, and in 2019 we continued to turn rhetoric into results.
Research, Reports & Publications
JetBlue Airways
The annual reports focus on how and where JetBlue crewmembers volunteered for 1 million hours of caring, the airline’s philanthropic efforts, and key sustainability factors that affect the airline’s business and financial performance.
Research, Reports & Publications
National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) launched its fourth annual Sustainability Report today, in alignment with the guidelines from the Kuwait National Development Plan (KNDP), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the United Nations Sustainable…
Research, Reports & Publications
Alliant Energy
Today, Alliant Energy releases their 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report (CRR) highlighting their purpose-driven strategy.
Research, Reports & Publications
Republic Services
Research, Reports & Publications
The fifth edition of the Carrots & Sticks report, which assesses the regulatory landscape for sustainability reporting has found that ESG disclosure has never been more pervasive globally.
Research, Reports & Publications
Canary Wharf Group (CWG) has set out an ambitious environmental strategy for the next decade, including launching new emissions targets aligned with the demands of science to hold off climate impact.
Research, Reports & Publications
HP Inc.
HP is committed to driving positive, lasting change for the planet, its people and our communities. See how we are tracking against our goals and creating sustainable impact around the world.
Research, Reports & Publications
Bridgestone Americas
Today Bridgestone Corporation published its 2019-2020 Sustainability Report, detailing the Bridgestone Group’s new Mid-Long Term Business Strategy, as well as its efforts to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
Research, Reports & Publications
Experian has published its annual Sustainable Business Report 2020, outlining the Group’s commitment to social and environmental issues, as well as details of its corporate responsibility performance.
Research, Reports & Publications
Business Call to Action (BCtA)
In India, almost 50 million people lack access to adequate sanitation, thereby increasing risks of water contamination leading to diseases. In 2017, the country still had the highest number of people practising open defecation in the world.
Research, Reports & Publications
Porter Novelli
Today, the United States finds itself in uncharted territory. While many states are in various stages of reopening, the virus surges to new heights across the south and west.
Research, Reports & Publications
Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc.
G&A Institute announces the results of its annual S&P 500 sustainability reporting analysis.
90% of the S&P 500 published corporate sustainability reports, an all-time high!
Research, Reports & Publications
Schneider Electric
To help shape the conversation about the effect of COVID-19 on energy and sustainability initiatives now and in the future, please take our survey today. All individual responses will remain anonymous.
Research, Reports & Publications
ON Semiconductor, driving energy efficient innovations, has today released its seventh annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report.
Research, Reports & Publications
We use a science-based approach to reduce our environmental footprint in our day-to-day operations. Our goal is to operate within the boundaries of what is sustainable for our communities, which extends to what we consume, emit and leave behind.
Research, Reports & Publications
International Olympic Committee
The portal has been created to help further sport’s sustainability goals, by providing a free tool where sustainability resources from the entire sports community can be grouped together on one dedicated platform.
Research, Reports & Publications