3 Ways to Honor Memorial Day Through Corporate Philanthropy
Quick and easy ways to get your workforce behind the meaning of Memorial Day
May 21, 2019 3:05 PM ET
CSR Trends

Memorial Day honors the men and women who died while serving in the US military. Originating during the Civil War, Memorial Day was declared a federal holiday in 1971. While businesses across the nation are closed, giving their employees the three-day weekend start to summer, it doesn’t mean you can’t observe and incorporate this day into your total CSR strategy.
Take a look at some quick and easy ways to get your workforce behind the true meaning of Memorial Day and beyond barbecues and boating. Check out these 3 ways to turn your everyday corporate philanthropy programs into ones that honor our heroes.
Read more here: https://blog.cybergrants.com/3-ways-to-honor-memorial-day-through-corporate-philanthropy-201705.html