42BELOW® Vodka Launches ‘Recycled Cocktail Lemons Eco Soap’ Sustainability Initiative
Wash Your Hands and Your Conscience, One Cocktail at a Time

In case you haven’t noticed, the world today is pretty much buggered. Global warming. Deforestation. Disposable forks. Plastic straws. They’re wreaking havoc on our precious little planet, and if we continue to let this happen, we’re all dead. So the good people at 42BELOW® vodka have decided to launch their own kiwi planet-saving initiative and are introducing ‘42BELOW Recycled Cocktail Lemons Eco Soap.’ The world’s first soap made from recycled cocktail lemons, and probably the odd martini olive. It’s recycling, on a sociable scale.
So how does it work? 42BELOW has been busy signing up a number of bars across Australia and New Zealand and collecting their old, used lemons and fruit that was once the hero of your delicious cocktail. Following collection, the old lemons are sent to the 42BELOW top secret lab, ingeniously turned into liquid lemon soap and then sent straight back to the bars for free. With the initiative launching in early December 2016, they have already collected 400kgs of fruit waste which in turn has helped them create 20,000 sachets and 400 bottles of liquid soap. Or in drinks terms, 3,200 cocktails!
Follow 42BELOW® vodka on Facebook to find out which bars are getting on board near you!