5 Winter To-Dos For Your Home
You can stay warm and safe without a seeing major hike in your energy bill this winter.
Dec 9, 2013 6:25 AM ET
Live Green Blog

Posted on Recyclebank's Live Green Blog
As the temperature dips and you turn up the heat, your carbon footprint is likely to also go way up. Do a few easy tweaks and tasks now, and you’ll save energy, and reap other environmental benefits, all winter long.
- Reprogram your thermostat. Lower the temperature to 68 degrees or lower — for every degree you turn down your thermostat, you’ll reduce your energy usage by 5%, according to the Consumer Energy Center. While you’re out, and when you’re sleeping, turn it down even lower. If you’re cold, just put on a sweater or robe, some warm socks or slippers, and throw an extra blanket on the bed.
- Give your water heater a jacket. If you have an older water heater, consider insulating it by making or purchasing a water-heater jacket or blanket (newer heaters typically have built-in insulation). The Department of Energy website has instructions on how to insulate a water heater yourself. This inexpensive project can reduce heating loss by as much as 45%. Don’t know if your heater needs insulation? Touch it; if it’s warm, it needs more insulation.
Read more ways to make your home more efficient during the winter!