55+ Digital Nomads: Learning New Tricks
GUESTS: Siobhan Farr, Digital Nomads Beyond 50

Audio File
Our joyful protagonist, Siobhan Farr, yearned for an exciting life of travel. But, like so many of us, tied down by the realities of everyday work and life, that desire was mostly teased through an annual scheduled vacation and the occasional business trip. But then a light bulb went off for this intrepid traveller: As someone who worked for a company that was based on a digital platform, she already had everything she needed to work remotely from somewhere other than her living room: a phone, a laptop and 5G network and international data plan to boot. And then off Siobhan went too, leaving everything else behind. As a working woman over 55, Siobhan was determined to show the world that “digital nomading” wasn’t just a young person’s game.
In this episode, Shawna and Jason observe the growing parade of mobile-minded travel enthusiasts who are embracing today’s work-from-anywhere ethos. Along the way, they reveal how wireless technology is making working from sun-soaked beaches and mountain peaks more attainable than ever for your average nine-to-fiver.
Mobile Diaries is brought to you by T-Mobile Stories.
Professional Bio | Digital Nomads Beyond 50
2019 I started selling off 30 years of my Dallas, Texas life to begin my nomad years on 4 March 2020. I was looking forward to adding new countries to the 34 I had already visited. However, the pandemic locked me in the first destination of my ‘6 Countries x 6 Months’ 2020 itinerary. My initial three weeks in Ecuador stretched to 13 months!
As a result, I pivoted my plans to market and manage my business full-time remote; I became an Unintentional Digital Nomad. In search of others who are older Location Independents, my personal experience growing a meet-up to 1300 members led me to become the Spark Originator of Digital Nomads Beyond 50.
DNB50 is an online community for people in their late 40s+ who currently travel/work, plan to, or are just curious about this life. I turned to my previous profession in corporate Learning & Development to organize the DNB50 Virtual Summit June 2021, 30+ topics presented by 28 experts. This June in Medellin, Colombia we’ll host the first Digital Nomad CoLiveWork specifically designed for older nomads!
I am truly a home-free Digital Nomad. I have no permanent base; my home is wherever I lay my head on the pillow that night, haha! September - December I’m back in Dallas to work in-person Medicare and ObamaCare Annual Enrollment. The other eight months of the year, from various global locations, I serve my clients via internet.
As a multi-income steam entrepreneur, I publish the travel blog Bronze Abroad Nomad and, via Amazon, The Ultimate Digital Nomad Travel Planner + Journal series. As a solo Digital Nomad in my 60s, and a woman of color, I want to inspire others to banish the belief that it's too late to reinvent themselves. Flip the page, the future is still unwritten!
Digital Nomads Beyond 50 Network
Digital Nomads Beyond 50
The Ultimate Digital Nomad Travel Planner + Journal
Bronze Abroad Nomad