7 Mind-Blowing Ways to Recycle Old Cassette Tapes

Find out how an old school cassette tape can turn into a newly recycled piece of art!
Jan 29, 2010 3:00 PM ET

7 Mind-Blowing Ways to Recycle Old Cassette Tapes

Find out how an old school cassette tape can turn into a newly recycled piece of art!

I remember back in the day when listening to cassette tapes and recording music on them was the best way to pass time. I even remember when you could buy a cassette single of 80’s hip hop or 90’s grunge rock music for about $1.99. Tapes were not as cool as vinyl records, but they were a definite close second. Sadly, the cassette tape days are over thanks to iTunes and mp3s. Now the only cassette tapes I see sit on the dusty shelves of thrift stores, in the bargain box of independent record shops and in my mother’s car.

Even though we may not be able to listen to cassette tapes anymore, we can at least reuse them in very creative ways. Here are seven cool recycled cassette tape items that prove there is still some longevity in the life of the compact cassette:

1. Cassette Tape Lamp
This lamp featured on ooo my design is made from old cassette tapes that have been tied together.

2. Sonic Fabric
This is fabric that is woven from 50% recorded audio cassette tape and 50% colored thread the fabric. And yes, it’s actually audible!

Check out this amazing video!

3. Cassette Wallets
Designboom features these very cool wallets that are handmade from recycled cassette tapes.

4. Music of Delhi Recycled Cosmetic Case
These cosmetic cases made from 100% recycled cotton and cassette tape are handmade in a school in India. The school teaches vocational skills to children with disabilities, and prepares the students to become employed. Featured on the Animal Rescue Site.

5. Cassette Tape Portraits
Artist Erika Iris Simmons creates these beautiful portraits with discarded cassette tapes! Here’s the musical genius Bob Marley. You can also check out Erika’s entire Flickr photostream.

6. Cassette Tape Closet
Designer Patrick Schuur created this “cassette tape closet” by using 918 cassette tapes that were individually screwed into a wooden frame.

7. Melted Cassette Skeleton Artistry
Atlanta artist Brian Dettmer made these life-like skeletons out of unwanted melted cassette tapes. His work was even featured at Chicago’s International Museum of Surgical Science.

It’s truly mind-blowing to see how used cassette tapes can be recycled into awesome pieces of art, and I hope that the artists continue to keep the memory of good music alive!

Greenopolis.com is dedicated to our users. We focus our attention on changing the world through recycling, waste-to-energy and conservation. We reward our users for their sustainable behaviors on our website, through our Greenopolis Tracking Stations and with curbside recycling programs.


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