Accelerating the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy

BNY Mellon is committed to promoting a more sustainable global economy. The company engages in numerous activities to help mitigate the effects of climate change through social investing initiatives. The 2017 CSR Report offers a closer look at how BNY Mellon is supporting our clients’ environmental objectives.
In “Small Ask, Big Impact,” Robin Wehbé, managing director of BNY Mellon Asset Management North America (AMNA)1, explains how active equity investors are engaging with oil and gas companies to improve disclosures on environmental and safety performance. BNY Mellon AMNA is asking these energy companies to produce standardized metrics that would enable investors to “reward companies for superior efficiency, management and stewardship,” Wehbé said. He added: “With these metrics driving investment decisions, we believe companies will compete to provide the cleanest barrel of oil—a win for investors and the planet.”
“Getting on Board with EVs2” examines how Newton Investment Management worked with manufacturers of electric vehicles (EVs) to improve the sourcing of natural materials, such as cobalt, that are required to make the lithium-ion batteries that power EVs. Newton, sub-adviser for the Dreyfus Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund, visited the manufacturer on-site to discuss methods of reducing the product’s environmental impact and strengthening supply chain management for cobalt mining. The manufacturer worked closely with Newton over two years to improve the long-term sustainability for their operations.
“Active Support for Passive House” explores how BNY Mellon has provided $88 million in loans and investments over five years for developments that use significantly less energy for heating and cooling than the average home. Passive House is a rigorous, voluntary standard based on the conviction that modern building design principles can be harnessed to help mitigate climate change and reduce energy costs. The approach is often summarized as “maximize your gains, minimize your losses”—a philosophy that is as sound for energy consumption as it is for investment. In Pittsburgh and across the state of Pennsylvania, BNY Mellon is financing high-quality homes for low- and moderate-income households that greatly reduce the residents’ carbon footprints.
1As of 2/1/18, Investment Management’s Mellon Capital Management Corporation (Mellon Capital), Standish Mellon Asset Management Company LLC (Standish) and The Boston Company Asset Management, LLC (The Boston Company) were merged into a single business unit, BNY Mellon Asset Management North America Corporation.
2Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of any mutual fund or variable annuity sub-account carefully before investing. Contact your financial advisor or visit to obtain a prospectus or summary prospectus, if available, that contains this and other information about the fund or sub-account and read it carefully before investing.
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