Aflac Remains Committed To Columbia As A Business Hub And A Community
By David Dykes
May 22, 2019 3:00 PM ET
Duckprints in the Community

Originally published on Columbia Business Monthly
Building on more than 20 years of ongoing support for The Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Aflac helps underwrite treatment for children, funds essential research, contributes to more than 50 children's hospitals nationwide, and supports child-life programs to improve quality of life and help children cope with their illness.
Among its South Carolina efforts, the company sponsors a wing at Prisma Health Children’s Hospital-Midlands.
Its award-winning My Special Aflac Duck, an interactive companion, gives kids with cancer a chance to find joy through play. They can feed and bathe the duck, sing with it, and hear its heartbeat.