Aligning Risk & EHS Management Strategies: How to Break Silos & Improve Efficiency

EH&S has a long history meeting complex challenges and deep experience in identifying, mitigating, and monitoring risk. Meanwhile, organizations are undertaking enterprise risk management (and broader GRC) strategies to federate silos of risk across the organization. EH&S is in a key position to help define and lead risk management strategies in the organization given the depth of experience and history EH&S has had in risk management. These teams should provide assistance in defining risk management strategy, process, information, and technology architecture.
Join us for a webinar on Weds. Nov 5th at 12pm ET with Michael Rasmussen, GRC Pundit from GRC 20/20 Research, LLC, that will help EH&S and risk professionals understand what benefits they have in using a federated approach to risk management.
During this webinar, Michael Rasmussen, The GRC Pundit from GRC 20/20 Research, will discuss the drivers and approaches for an integrated risk and EH&S strategy and how teams can mutually benefit from breaking down silos.
After this webinar, you will understand:
· Drivers and trends for risk management and EH&S impacting organizations
· What risk management strategies can learn from EH&S, and vice versa
· What risk management maturity looks like and how EH&S contributes to it
· An organizational approach to GRC (which includes risk management and EH&S) architecture and design
Register for the webinar by following this link: