Appalachian Wood Alliance Pilots a Smallholder Access Program

The AWA is piloting a Smallholder Access Program designed to develop new and more efficient tools that provide the benefits of FSC certification to small landowners through existing procurement efforts.
This first-of-its-kind pilot program in the global FSC system will engage hundreds of small landowners in responsible harvesting and management of their woodlands, including addressing their stewardship and sustainability goals. The program focuses on regionally important conservation values and water quality, as well as improving poorly managed stands through scientific forest management practices.
“Domtar’s commitment to growing responsible forest management with the small private woodland owners of the Southern and Central Appalachian region is impressive,’’ said Andrew Goldberg, a project manager for Southeast Family Forest Projects of the Rainforest Alliance. ‘‘Together we reach hundreds of landowners every year and look forward to advancing new tools to help bring FSC certification to this critical part of Domtar’s supply chain.”
The AWA will also introduce woodland owners to new opportunities for planning and harvesting, using information from satellite imagery and other technological tools, educational materials and events.