Arizona Teen Provides Backpacks and School Supplies to Give Every Child a Chance at Success

Arizona Teen Provides Backpacks and School Supplies to Give Every Child a Chan…
When Kaitlyn Martinez heard that one of her friends failed a homework assignment because she didn’t have the simple school supplies of a pencil and paper at home, she wanted to do something to help.
“At first, I didn’t really think that there was anything I could do,” Kaitlyn said. “[My friend] didn’t feel comfortable asking for that help.”
But now, two years later, 14-year-old Kaitlyn is CEO of nonprofit Backpacks 4 Kids AZ, providing students across Arizona with backpacks full of the school supplies they need to succeed.
With the help of her mom, Kaitlyn started collecting supplies and backpacks by setting up donation boxes around her school and church. In the first year, she was able to provide school supplies to 175 students. This year, Kaitlyn is working with local businesses, schools and organizations, and has already collected 1,000 backpacks to be given out for the school year.