#AskTt Twitter Chat: Building Resilience Through Integrated Programming
Join @TetraTechIntDev and @Climatelinks on June 13, 2018, at 3:00 PM ET/12:00 PM PT for an #AskTt Twitter Chat on Building Resilience through Integrated Programming

Tetra Tech International Development
Join @TetraTechIntDev and @Climatelinks on June 13, 2018, at 3:00 PM ET/12:00 PM PT for an #AskTt Twitter Chat on Building Resilience through Integrated Programming, hosted by Tetra Tech International Development Services and Climatelinks, and co-hosted by the USAID Planning for Resilience in East Africa through Policy, Adaptation, Research and Economic Development (PREPARED) Program.
This month’s Twitter Chat will take place prior to the PREPARED Building Resilience Through Integrated Regional Programming event at the Wilson Center on June 14, 2018, in Washington, DC. This chat gives users an opportunity to ask the expert panelists how to build resiliency through integrated programming, while addressing water security, leveraging information and communication technologies (ICT), and engaging the private sector. Join us for a live conversation with PREPARED Program's Chief of Party, Scott McCormick, and Deputy Chief of Party, Chelsea Keyser.
Countries around the world are feeling the effects of greater climate variability and change, from more intense droughts, floods, and storms to slower-moving changes like desertification. East Africa is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change, which could severely impact key sectors and drivers of the region’s economy and community’s livelihoods. Without the knowledge, data, and tools to predict, prepare for, and adapt to climate change, the region’s countries will continue to suffer disruptive shocks, perpetuating a continuous cycle of poverty. The PREPARED Program, a five-year U.S. Agency for International Development Kenya and East Africa initiative, worked to mainstream integrated, multisectoral, evidence-based, and climate-resilience development planning and programming in East Africa and its partner states.
In this chat, we will explore how PREPARED activities and interventions used water security, ICT, and private sector engagement to build resilience both at a regional level and a bi-lateral level.
The PREPARED Program serves as a case study, highlighting ways to achieve systematic change by using climate-resilient development planning and program implementation that prioritizes sustainability. Our guiding questions will help us examine the lessons from PREPARED that can inform future programming.
Guiding Questions
Water Security
- What factors pose the greatest risk for water security in East Africa?
- How does a changing climate impact water security?
- What does a water-secure world look like given your experience in East Africa?
Information and Communication Technologies
- How did ICT bolster anti-poaching efforts in East Africa?
- How was ICT used to engage communities and build awareness around water security issues in East Africa?
- Why was ICT effective for achieving program results?
Private Sector Engagement
- What role does the private sector play in building resilience?
- What value does the private sector find in investing in resiliency programming?
- What is an example of a private sector partner that supported the PREPARED Program, and why?
How to Participate
- Sign in to Twitter.com (if you do not have a Twitter account, you will need to sign up to join the Twitter chat)
- Read the guiding questions that will be discussed during the Twitter chat
- Join the discussion by using the #AskTt hashtag and following @TetraTechIntDev & @Climatelinks.
- Follow us on Twubs or Tweetchat or just track us on Twitter via #AskTt.
Note: Anyone who uses the #AskTt at the set day and time is considered a Twitter chat participant!
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