Attracting and Hiring Diverse Talent
2021 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report

Edison International 2021 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report
We make ongoing efforts to attract and retain a diverse employee population of highly talented individuals that represents the communities we serve and help advance. We realize that recruiting diverse workers has tangible benefits tied to performance, innovation and productivity.
To ensure that our hiring process helps create a diverse workforce, we apply hiring practices that create broad appeal, such as writing inclusive job postings that are welcoming to all qualified candidates, promoting job opportunities to diverse groups and reassessing basic job qualifications for some roles.
SCE employees partner with several professional and community associations that provide them with an opportunity to build their own networks as well as meet diverse talent.
These associations include, among others:
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- Asian American Professional Association (AAPA)
- American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE)
- Native American Tribes, specifically the 13 Tribal Nations within SCE's service area
Embracing All Forms of Diversity
The largest minority group in America is people with disabilities, and we see this as an untapped pool of talent. We are committed to providing an environment for all employees that is free of barriers and biases. To help achieve this, our ABLE BRG (employee-based Business Resource Group) provides awareness to create understanding around disabilities. We also work to continuously improve accessibility in our offices and technology.
BRG Involvement
We leverage our BRGs to connect with diverse groups across SCE’s service area. For example, in 2021:
- Through Networkers, the Black Male Initiative was formed to partner with community, spiritual and nonprofit organizations to help promote SCE job opportunities and career paths to members of their organizations.
- LEAD completed the second cohort of 26 students for the Youth Mentorship & Career Exploration Program that paired students from our service territory with Edison Mentors to learn about exciting careers and the departments within SCE.
- Native American Alliance hosted a virtual career expo for its members. Attendees heard about job opportunities and practical advice for interview preparation.
Building Pipeline of Black Talent
While the represented workforce of Black employees at Edison International continues to trend above local labor market availability, we understand the need to drive toward a more representative labor market overall. Our DEI commitments include actions intended to advance a robust pipeline of Black talent, increase development and advancement opportunities throughout our organization, and improve the overall labor market representation through partnerships with dedicated organizations and scholarship opportunities.
University Partnerships
In 2021, we launched two new strategic partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Howard University and North Carolina A&T, to engage diverse students and professionals in our recruitment activities.
Lineworker Scholarship
In 2020, Edison International committed $1 million in shareholder funding to pilot a four-year annual scholarship program supporting lineworker students. The purpose of this program is to grow diversity in the lineworker role with an initial focus on attracting Black participants. In 2021, the scholarship awarded up to $25,000 per awardee to attend Los Angeles Trade-Tech College’s six-month program to receive a Powerline Mechanic Certificate as well as additional assistance to support awardees' success during the program.
Industry Collaboration
Edison International is a long-standing sponsor of AABE through our supplier diversity team, and several of our executives have served on AABE’s national board. We joined AABE’s Energy Equity Campaign to increase Black representation in the energy industry through business contracting and workforce development. Additionally, several Edison International employees are AABE members, and the AABE California Chapter is led by our employees.
Filling Roles with Internal Candidates
Despite an increase in 2021 over 2020, at 7.5%, our employee turnover rate was lower than that of our peers in the electric utility industry and other industries. While this is a good indicator of satisfaction and positive experiences among employees, having fewer open positions presents a challenge to advancing workforce diversity. In 2021, 69.6% of new roles were filled by internal candidates.
7.5% employee turnover rate
69.6% of roles filled by internal candidates
View the full 2021 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report here.