Bard CEP & Bard MBA COP21 Paris Preview Podcast and Live Report

Audio File
Gearing up for the negotiations in Paris next month, Bard Center of Environmental Policy's National Climate Seminar program places a spotlight on these issues for the final two installments of 2015.
This week we spoke with Dr. Neil Leary, Director, Center for Sustainability Education, Dickinson College. Dr. Leary was able to give us some introductory insight into the COPs including who attends (hint: it's not just the delegates), why they go, and what they do there. He spoke to the key issues that will be addressed in Paris and what makes this year's negotiations different, and provided a perspective on the possibility of reaching an agreement as well as next steps after the talks. In case you missed this conversation, the recording is linked here.
For our next episode, Eban Goodstein, Director of BardCEP and the Bard MBA in Sustainability, will call in live from Paris on December 9th at 12pm noon, EST. To join the conversation, dial 845-746-2287 (no login required). Click here for more information.
The National Climate Seminar is a biweekly, dial-in conversation and podcast that features climate scientists, political leaders, and policy analysts, each exploring the politics and science driving critical climate change decisions. Join us the first and third Wednesday of each month at noon eastern for a chance to connect with experts on climate and clean energy solutions. Subscribe to the National Climate Seminar feed to access all past recordings.