Be Part of the Solution
By Andrew Savini

There are over 100,000 members in the LinkedIn group titled, “Sustainability Professionals”, over 25,000 in a group titled, “CSR”, and, in the last two days along, over 3m impressions for #CSR on twitter. And this keeps growing… we have become a highly ‘active’ community with a lot of talk and opinions, like sharks encircling a fishing boat. And the information comes in countless forms… the endless CSR reports, conferences, white papers, twitter handles, roundtables, working groups, social networks, magazines, and newsletters pumped out by our slowly-but-surely maturing CSR industry. And as one of the largest CSR assessment/certification bodies in the world, Intertek is often expected to be a part of every conversation.
- Outdoor Retailer Conference? We’ll be there.
- Bangladesh Electrical Safety Summit? Of course.
- (INSERT TOPIC) Association of (INSERT COUNTRY)? Check.
Heaps of presentations, loads of talking heads, and generally interesting perspectives. And even though we come to CSR from a variety of angles, I find we are by-and-large a bunch of under-recognized idealists out to protect the underdog. Just from Intertek’s lens alone, every year we are sending our auditing staff out to hundreds of farms, factories and offices on behalf of major multinational corporations, to some of our over 130 countries served to assess just how well we’re looking out for those marginalized in society.
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Andrew Savini is a Manager in the Supplier Management and Audits team for Intertek Group plc, based in New York City. In this position, he manages the development of new opportunities and supply chain management services related to areas of social responsibility, sustainability and supply chain security. As a supply chain compliance, audit and CSR professional, Andrew has international business experience in upwards of 30 countries on behalf of major corporations and their reputational risk programs. Andrew is also an avid human rights and sustainability advocate, having audited factories and farms for related CSR issue areas in over a dozen countries. Click here to learn more about Andrew.